Central banks around the world have slashed interest rates, though perhaps none as aggressively as State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). According to a recent report by Bloomberg, Pakistan has cut its interest rates the most this year, out of a survey of nine countries, including the US, Peru, South Africa, Turkey and Ukraine. Coronavirus has created ‘unique’ challenges for a monetary policy due to its non-economic origin. In last three …
Read More »Freedom from the shackles of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’
Presently, Pakistan seems to be suffering from ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ – a psychological condition wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands. The obsession and the unwavering trust in multilateral agencies, including IMF, and the traditional foreign bilateral partners, particularly Saudi Arabia and the strings attached with the helping-hand ever extended by them in the past bears testimony to the …
Read More »Pakistan Day in the year 2020
History is a testament to the fact that dedication and endurance determine the life and downfall of nations. Some nations struggle to survive while others thrive on ambition and advancement. The celebration of 23rd March marks one such memory for all Pakistanis and its relevance in the 2020 us more than ever. In the year 1940, Lahore Minto Park, this nation decided to advance and to survive as a separate entity on …
Read More »Sustainable Solutions to Revival of Sick Industries
All countries have a few or more than a few sick industries, some into hundreds and thousands. Pakistan is in the league of hundreds. Some become sick due to market dynamics and some are plain mismanagement. In such sick scenario, the employees lose job, governments lose tax money, investors lose their reputation and dreams but the banks are the major losers. For every investment that has become a non-performer banks have 50 …
Read More »Pakistan Day: time to reckon
Pakistan Day is celebrated with great fervor every year, but this year the circumstances are very different. People are living under extreme fear due to coronavirus pandemic, not only in Pakistan but around the world. The death of dozens of people from the pandemic, reminds us hundreds and thousands of people, who were assassinated after the partition of subcontinent. This also reminds the helplessness and the difficult administrative and financial conditions prevailing at …
Read More »Perilous neighborhood of Pakistan and its economic hopes and hurdles
He was transferred to a military ambulance that broke down after running a few paces. It took two hours to replace it and by this time the oppressive heat and swarm flies had exhausted Jinnah (Father of the Nation). He passed away in dignity after reaching his official residence. His absence left an agonizing imprint on the future course of Pakistan, something that he, himself feared but could do little to prevent. …
Read More »Review of enormous minerals and natural resources of Pakistan
Pakistan is 6th most populous country of world having a population of 219,652,490 people; which is 2.83% of the total world population. Pakistan covers an area of 881,913 km2 (340,509 sq. mi), approximately equal to the combined land areas of France and the United Kingdom. It is the 33rd-largest nation of the world by total area. Pakistan is one of those countries which have enormous rich natural resources. It is blessed with vast …
Read More »FFC’s contribution to Pakistan
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (FFC) is the leading fertilizer manufacturing & marketing company of the country, with around 4 million tons per annum sales volume and widespread dealers’ network across the country. FFC manufactures & markets its own Sona Urea (Prilled) and associated company FFBL products Sona Urea (Granular) & Sona DAP. In order to promote balanced fertilizer use and contribute in national food security, FFC is also marketing imported …
Read More »Monetary Policy to be aligned in sync with Fiscal Policy and structural reforms
The monetary policy is the key to influence trade/ current account of any country. The extent and the effectiveness of that, however, vary from country to country, given country’s own political and economic dynamics and other realities on the ground. These elements must not be used as ‘one-size, fits-all’ as part of the template to manage the economy, particularly the external account. The effectiveness of monetary policy is already under debate these …
Read More »Creative economy: the Pakistan’s perspective
An innocent enough question: What do you want to be when you grow up? You can pretty much count on visiting relatives to ask your kids what they want to be when they grow up. The question can be intimidating for little ones, who might say they want to be a doctor or pilot or a teacher, without truly understanding what that job involves. When people asked what you wanted to be …
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