Presently, Pakistan seems to be suffering from ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ – a psychological condition wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands. The obsession and the unwavering trust in multilateral agencies, including IMF, and the traditional foreign bilateral partners, particularly Saudi Arabia and the strings attached with the helping-hand ever extended by them in the past bears testimony to the …
Read More »Pakistan Day: time to reckon
Pakistan Day is celebrated with great fervor every year, but this year the circumstances are very different. People are living under extreme fear due to coronavirus pandemic, not only in Pakistan but around the world. The death of dozens of people from the pandemic, reminds us hundreds and thousands of people, who were assassinated after the partition of subcontinent. This also reminds the helplessness and the difficult administrative and financial conditions prevailing at …
Read More »Pakistan accumulates highest Dollar reserves in more than two years
International experts identified that through economic policymakers the foreign exchange reserves are viewed as ‘money in the bank’ – the more, the better. Reserves are a basic pillar of the macroeconomic toolkit. The experts showed that in countries that implement fixed or partially fixed foreign exchange rate systems, they are utilized as a mean to keep the exchange rate at or near the official target or parity level. Beyond exchange rate stabilization, foreign …
Read More »Core-inflation, direct cash subsidy to exporters need to be focused
Interview with Mr Ashfaq Yousuf Tola – President, TOLA ASSOCIATES Pakistan & Gulf Economist had an exclusive conversation with Mr Ashfaq Yousuf Tola regarding inflation. Excerpts of the conversation are as follows: According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the Consumer Price Index Inflation, on a year-on-year basis, has increased by 12.40% in Feb 2020 against an increase of 6.80% over a year ago. On a month-on-month basis, the CPI inflation …
Read More »Economic growth: perception may be different from reality
With announcement of the budget, it has been widely documented that inflation will be on a rise. We have already witnessed devaluation with the government resorting to the new IMF program. Dollar has crossed Rupees 100 per USD and is expected to further slide reaching Rupees 110 per USD by the close of this year, hence expected to reflect in higher prices across the board. No relief has been …
Read More »Is there any logic behind keeping interest rate high?
It is often said that the fiscal and monetary policies of the country have been dictated by the multilateral lenders i.e. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. This statement is partly correct and partly wrong. Since the lenders give money they also want to ensure its return as per agreed schedule. Therefore, they have a major say in the formation of these two critically important policies. However, …
Read More »Economic developments and outlook
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has taken various measures to manage inflation and interest rate. In September 2013, SBP linked minimum rate of return on average balances held in saving deposits with the floor of the interest rate corridor, which means return on saving deposits cannot be more than 50 bps lower than the floor of the interest rate corridor, which is currently at 7.5 percent. This measure …
Read More »Has IMF’s loan a soothsayer for ailing economy of Pakistan?
Following its ninth review of the program, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) asked Pakistan to focus on accelerating steps to widen the tax net and raise funds for more infrastructure investment and social assistance after the country failed to reach its fiscal deficit and tax revenue targets under an IMF Extended Fund Facility (EFF). However, the IMF welcomed the government’s plans to take action to attain the budget deficit …
Read More »Flaws and drawbacks of the IMF’s currency basket
Established following World War II to help with post-war recovery, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) serves as a lender to modern governments and an overseer of international financial markets. Both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1944 at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and are now based in Washington, DC. The IMF was originally designed to promote international economic cooperation and provide …
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