Everyone knows the famous adage from Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, “What’s in a name? “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” However, in the modern business world, the name matters. It is the name, which becomes brand and then preference of the customers buying it. Even the staple products are not an exception to this branding and people mostly buy names and not the product. It …
Read More »EASYPAISA: Transforming digital financial space in Pakistan
Easypaisa is Pakistan’s first mobile banking platform launched in 2009, the only GSMA mobile money certified service in the country. Initially launched as a money transfer service, Easypaisa empowers underserved masses by bringing convenience and freedom to their lives, and has today become an icon in money transfers, synonymous with convenience and reliability. Easypaisa was launched in 2009, and began with just 4,000 outlets across the country. At present it …
Read More »Efficient irrigation practices to minimize water loss
All living organisms on earth need water for their survival. Water is life; It is an important constituent of any cell either it is a plant cell or animal cell. It has massive importance in multiple spheres of life, and is not only essential to meet the needs of agriculture but also for the industrial, livestock, re-creational and domestic utilization. About 70% of Earth is covered with water which means …
Read More »Karachi transportation woes
A famous adage goes as ‘The deeper the well, the cooler the water.’ The more the investment, the better the infrastructure as well as the more the convenience for the populace. Probably, this is beyond the comprehension of those who need to do it. Economic growth globally is contingent upon the state-of-the-art infrastructure and transportation. The public transportation is a long-held issue of the largest city of Pakistan. Most of …
Read More »COVID-19 and acceleration of new trends in transport, logistics and global supply chains
A unique and terrifying moment in modern history is unfolding before us, every day but it teaches us a lesson of rapid transformation in many areas of public life as no country, or state, or locality, or even individual hospital was properly prepared for Covid-19. At this time of crisis where social distancing and culture of stay home to be safe are promoted supply of basic needs and goods is …
Read More »Review of modernised and well-functioning road network system
The studies revealed that a modernised and well-functioning road network with an integrated transport system ensures regional and global economic connectivity and integration. It reduces business costs for improving export competitiveness and trade to uplift socioeconomic growth along with offering passenger mobility gains. Furthermore, the said network is surely desired to be environmentally and economically sustainable also energy efficient. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been helping the Government of Pakistan …
Read More »Pakistan on the crossroad of unconventional investment trends
Amidst the post-pandemic scenario, the fast-paced, craftily competitive, exceedingly uncertain and globally challenging business scenario has dramatically raised the investment consciousness of stakeholders. Pakistan, being an emerging economy with the land of ample investment opportunities, must adapt to innovative ways of attracting, retaining and multiplying investments for its economic development. Furthermore, they lack the direction and pace necessary to sustain the long-term momentum of business growth. It is evident that …
Read More »Socio-economic and political implications of COVID-19
The outbreak of pandemic COVID-19 in 2020 was not only unexpected but also a surprise for the world. The COVID-19 has deep long-lasting impact on every sphere of life extending from social to cultural and economic spheres. As this is highly contagious disease, social distancing is in the crux of solution to this whole crisis. This has changed the social norms on one hand and the economic rules on the …
Read More »Some takeaways of China’s Poverty alleviation
By the end of this year, China will officially eradicate absolute poverty. In the past more than 40 years since China has begun to implement the policy of reform and opening-up and started the journey of poverty alleviation, more than 850 million people have been alleviated from poverty, accounting 70% of the world total and China alone has made unprecedented efforts and contributions to fulfill the dream of ‘No Poverty’ …
Read More »Prospects of foreign remittance into Pakistan
Pakistan is one of the major beneficiaries of foreign remittances, whereas the volume of foreign remittances to Pakistan has also increased in recent past. The growth of these flows has outpaced Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and official development assistance to the country. Pakistan started to export manpower abroad particularly in the Middle East countries following oil price boom in the early 1970s. Because of labor shortage in the Middle East, …
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