While geopolitics plays an important role in the prices of energy products, super powers are also keen in controlling the logistics. It is on record that Iran has been facing sanctions for more than three decades and the only purpose is not to allow its oil to reach international markets. However, lately, China, India, Japan and Korea have emerged as main buyers of Iranian oil. Taking Iranian oil to …
Read More »Past and present scenario of CNG in Pakistan
The supply and use of CNG in the transportation industry has adversely affected the economy. CNG was introduced for transportation in late 90’s to counter the rise in price of oil which caused inflation from the supply side. The idea for introducing CNG was to provide cushion to the consumers specially the transportation network to keep the prices at low level. As the price of fuel based on international …
Read More »Rural industrialisation
With the launching of Khairpur Special Economic Zone, Sindh has entered in to a new era of rural industrialisation, which would go a long way not only in strengthening the industrial base of the province but also in providing employment to the local population in their home town, this is also a giant leap in curbing the migration of rural population to the megalopolis, Karachi. Needless to emphasize that …
Read More »Pakistan’s insurance sector
Insurance in Pakistan has come a long way since the time when businesses were tightly regulated and concentrated in the hands of a few public sector insurers. Factors like slowdown of economic activities, law and order issues and high inflation are deteriorating the performance of this sector. Though insurance market in Pakistan is highly concentrated in urban areas and many insurance companies are subsidiaries of large industrial groups that …
Read More »Islamic banking – potential of growth reasonably high
Islamic banking has been defined as a system of banking, which is in accordance to the values and the spirit of Islam and is based on principles, which have been put forth by the Islamic Shariah. Not only does this form of banking avoid any interest-based transactions, it also avoids unethical and immoral social practices, which go against Islamic law. Thus the aim of Islamic banking is to work towards …
Read More »Growing number of business schools
Over the years there has been a mushroom growth of business schools in Pakistan. A number of universities have established Business Administration Departments. Since this growth has taken place in a rather short span of time, availability of faculty became very difficult. Business schools are now competing directly with trade and industry in hiring the faculty. Now business schools offer attractive salaries, particularly to the visiting faculty members. However, …
Read More »Cambridge versus intermediate education system
When it comes to primary education, a student in Pakistan has the option either to pursue the local education system, which includes Matric followed by Intermediate or pursue the British education system through O Levels and A Levels. The Cambridge system is usually left for those who can afford the fees structure whereas Matric and Intermediate can be done at fraction of a cost. Post completion of Intermediate or …
Read More »Bearing of university brand names on the job market
Universities in Pakistan are governed by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) who is responsible for education policy, quality assurance, and degree recognition, development of new institutions and uplift of existing institutions in Pakistan. Pakistan produces about 445,000 university graduates and 10,000 computer science graduates per year. HEC recognises 132 institutions of which 73 are public universities and 59 are private universities. There are 127 universities in total …
Read More »Over 200 PHDs in a year
Established in 1882 at Lahore, the University of the Punjab is now one of the largest and the oldest seat of higher learning in Pakistan, offering a very broad programme of studies at the Degree, Diploma, Postgraduate, M.Phil, and Ph.D. levels. It set a record in the country by producing over 200 PhDs last year. Being the most prestigious, largest and highest seat of learning in Pakistan, the University …
Read More »Enhancing GDP size
Two of the common complaints are: 1) Pakistan’s GDP size is too small and 2) GDP growth also does not compare well keeping in view population growth rate. Over the years experts have been working on different options but little has been done to document the economy. According to some experts the size of documented economy is just one-fourth of the actual. On one hand this does not allow …
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