Everybody in this world is prone to dreaming which they need their future to be, hence I have a dream for a Pakistan, which is much different than the one we see today. I dream for a Pakistan to be a developed welfare state where industrial revolution will transform our agrarian economy into the new diversified economy as extraordinary pace of technological change in the so called fourth industrial revolution …
Read More »Economics of Pakistan Super League
In the current world of globalization markets and their economies leading from the front and every activity of residents of any nation are measured economically. In past most of the people used to utilize their leisure hours (entertainment) in watching sports which was quite casual and relaxed but today’s sport is often organized, mechanized, marketed, and administered as a business. Commercial interests influence virtually every decision in sports. Events are …
Read More »Discovering infrastructure and real estate development under CPEC
Infrastructure development is one of the main pillars of economic growth of any economy and China Pakistan Economic Corridor being one of the largest project of its kind witnessed the transformational change in almost every sector of Pakistan’s economy and like other sectors it also brought revolutionary change in real estate and infrastructure of Pakistan through linkage of Gwadar and Kashgar. This linkage, change the dynamics of real estate and …
Read More »For the love of blue gold: an alternative to traditional economy
Nationwide campaign of Bahria University to promote Blue Economy of Pakistan Whenever we think of water the thing which comes in our mind is life representing its importance and enforces me to call all oceanic activities as Blue Gold. Oceans are of great significance for the survival and advancement of societies as they sustain life, connect the world and facilitate development. “The blue planet that humans inhabit is not divided …
Read More »COVID-19 and acceleration of new trends in transport, logistics and global supply chains
A unique and terrifying moment in modern history is unfolding before us, every day but it teaches us a lesson of rapid transformation in many areas of public life as no country, or state, or locality, or even individual hospital was properly prepared for Covid-19. At this time of crisis where social distancing and culture of stay home to be safe are promoted supply of basic needs and goods is …
Read More »Boosting blue growth through development of maritime silk road
The Gravitational forces of global geopolitics and geo-economics is moving back towards East from the West and as this rebalancing unfolds, the 21st century will be the Asian Century. BRI is the key that not only integrates Asia but ensures stable and sustainable future of this continent. Asia is always a continent with socio-economic and cultural divides and to overcome these divisions into inclusive Asia integration on all fronts is …
Read More »COVID-19: The bigger setback to corruption and global imbalances in gender equality
COVID-19 threatened the world in each and every sector of their economies and may also increase the chances of corruption as every government nowadays are busy to counter the health crisis. Corruption, the abuse of public office for private gain, it erodes the social contract and corrodes the government’s ability to help grow the economy in a way that benefits all citizens the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the importance of …
Read More »Digital transformation — a way to accelerate COVID recovery
The growing COVID-19 emergency takes steps to excessively hit developing nations, not just as a health emergency for current but in addition it has overwhelming social, economic and political impacts in future. Recently the bigger challenge for the developing nations is to keep economy moving to ensure food supply and wellbeing of the society during the various barriers of physical distancing and lockdowns. Plagues and pandemics have been undermining mankind …
Read More »New budget under COVID-19: how to equip economy with gears
These are extraordinary days where extraordinary steps and out of box solutions are required. Budget deficit was estimated around 7.2 percent in fiscal year 2019-20 which is around 8.9 percent; likewise budget deficit is being estimated at around 9.1 percent which will cross 10 percent when the actual numbers will be calculated in 2021. Pakistan’s public debt has risen by almost 40 percent in the past two years; from Rs. …
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